Monday, August 10, 2009

Thing 19: Web 2.0 Awards List

The Web 2.0 tool I choose for this exercise is Twitter. Earlier I posted about Doug Johnson and his Blue Skunk Blog post about killing his Twitter account. He did so because it was not very useful for him and he was basically annoyed by the types of things that the people he followed tweeted about.

Because Twitter is short (140 characters or fewer) and immediate, it has become a popular way for people to communicate with each other. Twitter can be used responsibly and professionally by schools. For all those parents who never get the newsletter home from their kids’ backpacks—or even for non-custodial parents who never see a newsletter--following a school or district on Twitter allows parents to receive updates on things like field trips, money due, deadlines, test dates, bad weather days, game schedules, and even the days that report cards or progress reports are due. What a handy tool for busy on-the-go parents!

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