Sunday, August 9, 2009

Thing 10 Online Image Generator

Here's one of the many images I had fun creating for this "thing." When I completed the North Texas 23 Things, I did other ones-- this is a lot of fun!

Last time I favored Big Huge Labs, but this time I really hung out at Image Chef ( There are many images to play with there, but it is generally for very short phrases--the images don't hold phrases much longer than four words or so-- most are best with one or two words. I made many fun images to post for teachers at my new schools to see-- If I can catch their attention, I'll have a better shot of getting to know them. Elementary teachers are very, very busy, and they need to use their time wisely!

I plan to keep up a blog or website-- depending on what works best with what the district offers and what will be the most user-friendly for my teachers. Since I know so little about their preferences right now, I'll have to wait and learn about them before I deicide how to proceed. These images can be used in my blog, my website, or even printed out as posters for use in the hall, in the library, in the classroom....there are many ways to use these innovative tools.

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